Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Authentic Experience

What is an authentic experience of God?

Many religious followers around the globe claim that they have had an authentic experience of God. However, there are thousands of religions with thousands of different God's. Surely, the experience's can't all be the same? If none of those people are lying, then every one of those God's is real at the same time, or there might be only one God, but who reveals different things to different people. It seems quite foolish to assume that there are thousands of different God's existing at the same time. To show how this is folly, we must decide upon what we mean by God.

God; the supernatural being conceived as the perfect and omnipotent and omniscient originator and ruler of the universe.

Omnipotent being having all power; unlimited power.
Omniscient being all knowing; knowing all that has happened, is happening and will happen.

There can only be one being with those qualities. If there were two, then they would cease to have all power for the would not be able to control each other. If placed on a hierarchy, this being would be at the top, second to none and certainly not equal to any either. So I am taking the perspective that God is the God of Gods, and the Lord of Lords. There is none equal.

If there is none to be equal, then there can only be one God. Only one religion is true, or none of them are. Only one God is real, or none of them are. And if there be only one God, then there can be only on true, authentic experience of God. And if only one, true experience of God, then most people who claim this experience are lying. Only one group of them is true. Only one experience is authentic. All other experiences are second to it, and might be of a demon, angel, or any number of human emotions and feelings rolled into one.

I suppose that this is true, but only from a Christian perspective. Why do I say perspective? I say it because I now believe that anything can be argued well depending on which perspective you take. Using the bible, if you take it as the inerrant word of God, and act on it as so, then you will never fall. It is a logical impossibility. And to all you who say, "God told us to have faith. Stop trying to reason God out"! I reply, learn to think like a rational human being and use your God-given gift of thought. Too many people just accept everything they hear, and pay no attention to the truth. What is truth you ask? A bigger topic than is here.

I might of experienced God. I just might of.

Many people around the world would claim with absolute certainty that God is real and they have experienced him. But what exactly is this experience of God?

He created money, ambition, hearts, sex, orgasms, and many more enjoyable things. But if he is the source, then it only makes sense to assume that however great money, ambition or an orgasm is, God is greater!

Psalm 16:11 - In your presence there is fullness of joy;
at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

Fullness of joy? Pleasures forevermore? This is really crazy stuff to all those who haven't experienced this. I haven't. I have felt good when reading the bible, and enjoyed praying, but as for meeting God himself, I have not. 'In your presence', means that now we can experience it. This is too all those who say that we cannot feel it yet. We can! At least the Psalmist says so here.

And if God is not greater than his created world offers, then this God is not a god at all.

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